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Quick question regarding reinstalling rear wheel - need advice!

I removed the rear wheel to change the tire. No real problems thanks to the detailed instructions on this site.

When I reinstalled the rear wheel, there appears to be a 1/16th to 1/32nd inch gap between the wheel and the drive assembly. The flange from the drive assembly that goes around the wheel assembly doesn't completely cover the wheel. Is this ok? Normal? It would appear that water and dust can enter here and I'm afraid to ride the bike. Everything went back together fairly easily, but now I'm nervous.

The drive seems to be engaging ok, I'm just uncertain.
Do the spacer and caliper brake fit OK on the right side?  If so, then all is well, if you can't fit them in, then the wheel needs to move further toward the drive.

Just did that on my Connie - yesterday!  What Gary said is correct - if it all fits, it's O.K.  Also, the chances of water etc. getting in there are pretty slim as the rotation will fling it outwards, but there really isn't much in there that dirt/water can hurt anyway.

Ride away!
Re checked it today, seems to be more space than I would like, but seems to be within spec. Rode the bike and nothing abnormal, I'm probably just reacting to my uncertainty.

Thanks for the input. :beerchug: