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Rally experience cut short


Just to let you all know, I had to leave early due to family issues today. That part will resolve itself in a few days. As for the time i was there, it was an experience! LOTS of good people who came together for for a good time. I feel bad that I am missing it, but enjoyed it while I was there. I arrived home unscathed despite being nearly rear ended 20 miles from my doorstep by someone not paying attention.  :-\  Also my tent neighbor and I thought I had a loose head bearing set but it turns out that my front wheel bearings are shot. Things work out for a reason. Imagine a bearing seizure and lock while in the mountains!!! :-\ :-\ I will replace them tomorrow. Thanks for the temporary fun and I hope to see you all in Suches!!
Glad you got a taste and made it back safe. What's going on with front wheel bearings this year?  :mad: