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rear brake leaking from piston help please


Mini Bike
2008 14 concours ABS . leaking from one of the pistons that pushes the brake pad , i pulled it out and did not see a seal ? is there one or not i think it got to hot and melted it , anyone know if there is a rebuild kit , or how to seal  it
It sounds like you may have been a victim of a stuck rear brake. Check for rocks around the linkage and a discolored rear rotor. If it got hot enough to cause a seal to leak, you probably also damaged the rotor and pads. I'd probably also change the rear drive fluid just in case it got too hot.

If you have a good dealership that will work with you, you might get it covered under warranty since this is a known issue that already has a recall against.
Even if your dealer doesn't want to help, rebuilding the caliper is easy as, well, easy.  Probably about 20 bucks in seals, some brake fluid and a little time.  Any of the parts houses will have the parts if your dealers prices are too high.
i took it apart , one seal was melted , $14 for all new seals , new brake pads $22 , had rotor checked luck it was fine , changed gear fluid , cleaned out all the gravel from around brake pedel , thanks everyone
I got to this party late... Good to hear you were able to resolve the issue quickly and with minimal expense.  The saved $$$ could be use to pay for COG dues.  ;D