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Rear Rack


I have a rear rack for my C-10 that attaches to the passenger hold on bars. Can it be reversed by changing sides of the hold on bars and re-installing the luggage rack over the top of the passenger seat? Seems possible, but would prefer to hear it from someone that did it! It would help packing riding solo by putting the weight over the rear axle, instead of being behind the axle.
I'm not sure, but if it is, it would probably make it a giant PITA to get the seat off, to access the tool kit/battery etc.
Your right, access would be harder! Could be a bad idea. Good ideas sometimes get waylaid by reality! LOL! Well, like the famous words of Gilda Radner "Never Mind!"
RB, When I have more stuff than I can fit in the bags and trunk I strap a Waterproof Duffel across the back seat. It hangs out over the bags and will carry a lot of extra stuff. It also serves as a back rest. "If it hasn't killed me yet, it's runnin out of time" COG # 8062 AMA # 1084053 ROMA or Scarlet harlot acording to my wife