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Ride - Santa Rosa, CA Hwy. 1 - Hwy. 128

MrSkydriver said:
Santa Rosa ride scheduled for Sat. 1/18 Hwy. 1 to Hwy. 128. Anyone want in?  :motonoises:
Way to go Gregg!  :great: :motonoises: :beerchug:
Hey Gregg,

Definitely a maybe from me. I'll have to check the weekend project manager and see if I can get the time off.

Do you have a route and timeline in mind? Not sure if I'd be up for the whole Santa Rosa to Mendo loop as I'll be starting in Santa Cruz, but maybe could join along the route. Otherwise, sounds like fun and should be nice weather for it.


Just going up Hwy. 1 to Hwy. 128 down to Cloverdale.  Hwy. 128 is fantastic  :-\

Gregg  cell (707) 321-4 nine 0 nine  if you want to call me.
Sounds like fun Gregg, but I've got some honeydoos to do tomorrow and can't carve out the time for that long a ride (geting to the start point is what's got me).

This weekend's weather sure does set the stage for a beautiful ride though, so I hope you have a good one.
