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Ride the Ribbon 2013


Great turnout 25 riders enjoyed some of the best open and traffic free roads in the country this weekend in John Day. Several riders returning from the national were in attendance and I think I can speak for the group that everyone had a great time.!

At the John Day Fossil Beds Visitor Center near Dayville, Oregon
Carrie, Woody, Dwayne, Bruce, Ron, Pat and Patty

Ron Dimino and a row of Connies outside the Silver Spur restaurant in Mt. Vernon, Oregon

Saturday night dinner and the "usual suspects" in attendance.  Riders from England and Canada!
Wish we could have made it as well. Got within 40 miles or so before things went South. Oh well, there's always next year :)
Steve Mustoe said:
Wish we could have made it as well. Got within 40 miles or so before things went South. Oh well, there's always next year :)

How's Rhonda doing?  If I had your cell phone number I would call you, but I don't.
Rhonda's doing okay. Despite being airlifted by helicopter to the Bend hospital her injuries were minor: separated shoulder, cracked rib, badly bruised hip. Her cute little Ninja fared worse. She is still in pain but getting better every day. Already talking about her next bike :) One tough lady...
Couldn't make the ride.  But am interested in doing the Ribbon.  What Road/s is it?  Map post maybe for the future ride of those who don't know?  Thanks
It started as a ribbon of asphalt thru unpopulated areas similar to paved forest roads and includes other great improved roads that are scenic and twisty.