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Ring Around The Collar...I Need Engineering Help!


I am looking for a way and ideas on how to protect light colored textile jacket collars from getting ruined by the rubber edging on my helmets. The rubber rubs on the rough textile collar and makes it black. It doesn't wash out since it's rubber and not dirt. This totally sucks and I can't believe nobody else has this problem as well? I'm not trying to save the jacket that is rubber stained, but would like a solution before using my next jacket.

I even tried to buy a Hi-Viz jacket with a black collar, but couldn't find one I liked. I thought about gluing some material to the rubber and helmet roll on the helmets, or having my wife sew on a black collar to the jacket.

Any ideas or solutions out there? I can't be the only one with this issue!  :mad:
I ordered up a windjammer 2 that was designed for a different purpose, but seems like it will work for my intentions as well. Thanks for the input. I have a neck gaitor that I wear when it's cold out, but it didn't really work either. The thing I ordered should work?