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Roadsmart II

Clinton said:

So, who's going to try them first??  >:D

That was pretty much my thought. The first gen RoadSmart got mixed reviews for folks on the web sites. Some were quite happy with them, others not as much. But like the Angels, Pilot Road and now RoadSmart, they are redesigned tires. So it would not be fair to compare the original 2008 era RoadSmart design to the new RoadSmart II. Since they are technically totally different tires.
Pirelli redesigned the Diablo Strada and came out with the Angel ST. I actually liked both tires. But I always thought the look of the tread design on the Diablo Strada looked like a tractor tire. But they worked great. Then they came out with the upgraded redesign called the Angel ST. Which still are my favorite tire for the dry. They also have a much better tread look.
Michelin redesigned the Pilot Road and came out with the Pilot Road 2. Like the RoadSmart, some liked them a lot, some not. I was one of the not crowd on the PR2.  So I was a little sceptical when the Pilot Road 3 came out. But I gave them a try. IMO, the PR3 is a totally different tire than the PR2. I wouldn't put a free set of PR2's on my bike. Yet I like the PR3's and may use them again.
So in the case of the Dunlop RoadSmart. Although some really love the original RoadSmart and some didn't. It would be unfair to judge the RoadSmart II based on the original. So I will take a wait a see attitude. Not that I wouldn't try them. But I'm not so quick to jump ship from the Pirelli's and PR3's just to try them out. So unless I suddenly need tires, I'm sure other folks will try these out before I need new tires. Besides, my bikes are put away for the winter nap. And winter technically just started the other day!  ???
Yep, I was celebrating the coming of winter - the beginning of the REALLY good time to ride down here in Florida!

I think that people fall into a couple of different categories on tires.  There are those who are willing to try new things, and there are those who have found something they like and keep going back to it.  I fall into that second category, but I think I'd give the Roadsmart II a try if I were in a situation where I needed a tire and just couldn't get a trusty Metzler ME880. 

It's kind of silly when you think about it.  The Roadmaster II looks good in the video (what a surprise - it's a freakin advertisement!) and it stands to reason that materials and construction technology has advanced considerably since the 880 was introduced 12 years ago.  But I'd still choose to go with what I know.

Yeah folks are different. I used 880's and hated them. They wore good, but were way too hard. So IMO, handling and grip suffered for me because of it. But what works for one person, doesn't always work for the next person.
Cool video but why no Connie's in it, had all the other sport touring bikes??  :017:

I had the prior Roadsmarts on my VFR and didn't care for them.

I am really happy with the PR3's on my Connie.  :)