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RTE, 6/19/10, Yesterday's, Rutledge, GA


Street Cruiser
Folks: From the responses I got on my prior question on the SE lists, the better date is June 19. As for a site, Yesterday's Restaurant in Rutledge, GA. This is a bit closer for the Atlanta folks. How to get there, exit 106 on I-20 between Atlanta and Augusta. Head north on Newborn Rd. and follow the signs to Hard Labor State Park. Once you cross the railroad tracks, the restaurant will be on the right half a block ahead. Maps, pictures, and the menu can be seen at: http://rides.webshots.com/album/577908714fVjffG Gathering time is 11:30 AM, eating time is high noon. If you have any other questions or need more info, drop me a note. Hope to see you there. Final note, if it is coming a widespread rainstorm, it is canceled. It is just scattered showers, I don't think I'll melt. :) tcars John tcars, John, COG 4157, AMA & ROK Northeast Jawja AAD
Now with the way things are going, I may be by there tomorrow. Any short time requests? Finally sold the son's KTM 530 EXC-R, will be delivering, err, meeting new owner to finalize the deal and give him the bike. tcars John
Final call: If you think you can make it, drop me a line or reply here, and let me know. The restaurant would like advance notice of how many to expect. tcars John
Would like to be there as well, but I've got a case of CARBS. We'll see if this go around gets done faster (experience helps, it seems) and I make it over to Rutledge. COG #8892 CDA #0309 Remember: Only Hugh can stop Florist Friars!
Jose and Tom: Thanks for the speedy reply and looking forward to Sat. noon. tcars John
Folks: The pictures from the RTE are up; http://rides.webshots.com/album/577908714fVjffG The winner of the long distance award goes to Jose Gonzales and his friend, also Jose, both from the Ocala, Fl. area, both on C14's. Now to many members who were within an hours ride, three of your AAD's were there, Jack Ferguson, Robert Elliot, and myself, so where were you? The seven of us had a good time, the food was good, the service was excellent, and the thunderstorms were still in Alabama. My trip there was good, I didn't get a performance award, but came close. The trip home, well it was a good bit past warm, temp was 95 when I got home and I was soaking wet. Lesson learned, will do this again, but will wait for fall, when it is a bit cooler. tcars, John COG 4157, AMA & ROK Northeast Jawja AAD
John, looks like a good turnout. I would have been there but my daughter, her husband and my 3 granddaughters came in from Minnesota so I decided I better stay home. ;) Maybe next time