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RTE: Swampy's in Dunnellon 11/18/23

Connie girl

19773 E Pennsylvania,
Fl 34432
Laid back, riverside with a scenic deck on the Rainbow river
Cajun fare, burgers & fish meals.
You might see kayakers, tubers and/or wildlife, perhaps an otter.
Nearby is the Gulf of Mexico, Rainbow Springs, Manatee Springs, Ocala horse country & more.
NOTE: The parking lot isn't great, & a bit crowded. Bring a kickstand puck.
There is onstreet parking & parking lots very close.
They get busy, be aware. Am told the food is worth it.
In. I'm even the first registered.

This place does get busy but the early lunch time will help with that. The food and atmosphere here is quite wonderful.

Jo, thank you.

On TDY boondock camping on Nottely Lake outside of Blairsville, GA. It shore is purty here.
Things could change but it looks like I'll be a no show. We are heading up to camp at Sopchoppy for a few days.
Thanks to all that came, including a new to Citrus county, Fl rider Lee C & a friend of one of our Steves- Steve Ward , he brought both Michelle and Nikki. Welcome