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Street Cruiser
Coggers and Folks: Just a "Thank You" to all those who attended and participated in the 15th annual Run With The Wolf rally. The weather was perfect, not one drop of rain, seventies in the daytime, fifties at night, and no accidents. Even no CDA's were awarded. There was something different and special that happened, but someone else will have to get the word out on that. :) A special 'Thanks' to Darrell and Ken for dragging me along on the dual sport riding, I got to see some places that I never knew existed. After an 8 year hiatus from that type of riding I do have a few sore muscles in the shoulders, but I expected it to be even worse. As for the future, most all were fine with the date and where it is, so I told Louie to pencil us in for the same date next year and he said he would help us with the food issue. There was some mention of a 'Pig Roast' so you all let me know what you think about that. But the clincher for us getting full use of "Frank's Place" is that we have to use all of the cabins. So if you have a thought of attending and staying in a cabin, Louie has put the entire place on hold for us for that weekend. So start discussing this and making plans for next year. 42 days and counting until 'Shiftin n Grinnin'. tcars John
Many thanks to you John for serving as the "rallymeister". As you said, the weather was perfect (if anything it was almsot too warm :confuse:). A RWTW with no crashes or CDA's is prolly a record (all due to your superb leadership, I'm sure ;)). I'm already looking forward to next year (as well as the National, and WRRR). :)
One of the best ever John. Everyone had a blast. The fly-by photo op was the coolest. Thanks for doing this reid
Maybe I should stop going to rallies. I was stuck at home and could not come this year or last. If I had not come in 2007 I would not be sitting here knowing what fun I missed. :( ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
Nah, Bob. Don't stop; it just makes them that much better when you CAN get there!! This was my second RWTW and this year was much better for me ;p Eddie Sanford, FL 2005 Concours 1969 Triumph Bonneville AMA# 686667 COG# 7073 CDA# 0136 http://picasaweb.google.com/Eddie753
Well what do you all think about a "Pig Roast" for the Sat. meal. As for the other meals, talk it up, let me know what you would like. I do remember that two members said they were willing to help with breakfast each day. My thinking is to extend the rally by one day, start on Thursday since so many get there early. The one thing that impressed me this time, there are a lot of other un-mentioned good roads, both paved and unpaved, and you don't need to ride to Cherohala every time. Bring both your road bike and dual sport and have a ball on both. On the way home I stopped at Rider's Roost,(yes, they were open on Sunday) talked with the main operator and he stated that Lumpkin county has plans to have hwy 60 paved by next year, no more tar snakes. :) So things are looking up for next year, so start talking it up now. One more you will need to think about, who to host the rally in 2010. I've either helped or hosted the event for well too many years, time for some new blood. ttyl, tcars John