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SC event that looks like a hoot


In collaboration with my Fellow AD's (and the AAD's that get it done!) we are promoting some cross pollination between area's (some would call it cross contamination. Potato PotAHto). I know this event has some history and I know the SC area throws winners. For those that are close or want to get out of the Snow this may be a winner winner chicken dinner. Run on over and show 'em how the SW rolls.
Old Man on a Connie said:
In collaboration with my Fellow AD's (and the AAD's that get it done!) we are promoting some cross pollination between area's (some would call it cross contamination. Potato PotAHto). I know this event has some history and I know the SC area throws winners. For those that are close or want to get out of the Snow this may be a winner winner chicken dinner. Run on over and show 'em how the SW rolls.
Hmm! March.  Checked it out on a map.  Lots of roads with little blue dots around there...means either the printer screwed up again or there's lots of Happy, Happy Joy, Joy roads out there to ride.  Need new skins after the last sojourn, only got 8k  :mad:  If things keep going like this with longer and longer rides maybe we should buy a No-Mar tire changer.  Big question is, will Ms Reta change the tires for me?  :))
Hmmm...the tires I have on "Rosie" will still be good in March...and...if the weather's OK...I could ride to work Wednesday...continue on to South Fork for the night...work my way back to Alamosa on Thursday...head South to Moriarty Thursday night...and Friday ride on down to Alpine.....hmmm...that's very interesting...