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I was with distinguished fast company heading to the Spring Fling on a Wednesday morning; Ken Ford, Calvin Underwood, Gary Norton and John Carver where my traveling and camping companions for the week, and we rode in a pretty tight formation the length of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Some guys you just feel comfortable doing that with. Gary, Calvin and myself rode for 3 days to Colorado last year, so I didn't expect any surprises from them. It's pretty good for a flatlander like myself to be able to ride the Parkway both ways in 5 days.We weren't behind any vehicles for very long, if you know what I mean. I had looked forward to seeing Guy again, and knew that the rally would be a good one with him being the meister. We haven't been in touch much since we met in Duluth last year. The roads, mountains and scenery were worth the trip, and the bonus of seeing old friends.....priceless. We had a tasty banquet dinner at the host hotel.Best part for me was hanging with my travel buddies at night around a fire with some adult beverages.TextThanks for getting us together Guy, and for your hard work
Just saw your note Al. It was nice seeing you again - and - your Traveling Wilbury companions too. Also, much thanks for the kind compliments. We try to have fun and occasionally provide the opportunity so others can too. That, in itself, is also part of the enjoyment I get helping with this Group. Ya'll are worth it!! Hope to see you again shortly. Guy