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Shade tree repair advice needed


Big Wheel
Back in the spring I had a somewhat serious lowside, fortunately the bike and I got lucky and lived to ride another day.  Fast forward to two weeks ago.. I was run off the road in blind turn and lowsided going 25 or so. The left plastics are rashed as well as the sidecase. The worst part is that the orange retractable latch broke off the sidecase. I was just going replace the lock mechanism but wasn't crazy about needing a separate key for it, so I took the lock mechanism apart and managed to get the broken part out by drilling out the pin that holds it in place. I figured it's already broken so what the heck. I have a friend that owns a machine shop and makes gears for race transmissions and I'm pretty sure he can mill up a new part. I'm guessing aluminum would be fine for this application.  Any of you tried this before? I'm sure I'm not the only one to break that part. Can you buy just the latch and not the whole lock mechanism?

I was on the old board as 4power but since I slid pretty far in the spring crash and came out relatively unscathed the general consensus agreed to a name change and thus Superslider.
My cousin owns a body shop and thinks he can fix the all the rashed plastics except for the lowers. May need the paint codes for an 09 black as well. The bill was pretty hefty for the repairs the last time and my ins. co. really stepped up, (the gear case and radiator were $$$) I don't want to push my luck with them so I'm just taking care of this one myself.
You can buy a new lock assy and then just get it rekeyed to match your existing key at a locksmith. Just take him the new one and the old one and he should be able to remove the lock cylinders and swap them.
Superslider said:
May need the paint codes for an 09 black as well.

From the "OEM parts directory" at the top of the C14 General chat and tech menu:



Note: may require both base and top coat!

Neutron Silver (US), (factory OEM code 17N), Color Rite - (3895), Base (1895)
Metallic Diablo Black (Non US), (factory OEM code 17K), Color Rite 3606
Flat Super Black, (factory OEM code 18R), Color Rite (3370) 
Metallic Phantom Silver for the trim and wheels (OEM 458), Color Rite (3803)

Metallic Diablo Black , (factory OEM code 17K), Color Rite 3606
Candy Diamond Red, (factory OEM code 25T), Color Rite - (3785), Base (1785)
Flat Super Black, (factory OEM code 18R), Color Rite (3370) 
Metallic Phantom Silver for the trim and wheels (OEM 458), Color Rite (3803)

Candy Neptune Blue (factory OEM code 27Z), Color Rite - (3402), Base (1102)
Flat Super Black (factory OEM code 18R), Color Rite (3370)

Ebony Black  (factory OEM code 602), Color Rite (3005)
Atomic Silver (factory OEM code 17M), Color Rite (3915)
Flat Super Black (factory OEM code 18R), Color Rite (3370)
