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(SOLD) FS: McCruise full cruise control (Lowered Price)


I have a McCruise cruise control. It works just like your car's cruise. It is not just a throttle lock. It worked perfect on the bike. Loved it. Selling the bike so selling the cruise. Just like new. Cost $1150 new, take $875 $775 shipped lower 48.


Had I not just bought an Ohlins yesterday I'd be all over this...  :banghead:

Good luck with all the items for sale Tim, some nice bits indeed!  :great:
$875 shipped US? WOW that is a steal. If I didn't have a Rostra already installed and working well, I'd buy this for sure.
Warranty on parts good thru Feb 2013. Came with a 12 month parts warranty. Worked flawlessly for me. They said they have units out there 15 years old and very few problems.
They are pricey, but are worth the money IMO. I have had two different units on two different bikes. They have also been flawless.
cklamer said:
How difficult is this to install and will it have any affect on my warranties?

I have a 2012 Connie.

  How difficult is directly proportional to your abilities. If your a fairly handy guy. It's not bad at all. It's pretty plug and play. You will be playing with a few bolts, and electrical connections. But no splicing what so ever. The worst thing is moving two pins from connectors and plugging in a new ones.  If you can take the plastic off and back on, your half way there. We'll close anyway. Really it's not bad at all.
  But if your all thumbs and pay folks to do most of your vehicle and home maintenance. We'll in that case maybe get help. I'm just saying that it isn't bad (great instructions). But there probably some folks who might not want to tackle this themselves.  Mad River Marc and I installed two on two different bikes in one day (with a long lunch). Although we both did one on the opposite bikes each before. He had an FJR and went to a C14. I went the opposite way.  :)
Actually Bob, I had to splice 1 wire, the one going to the ECU plug. The wire would not come out of the plug, and McCruise told me just to splice it in. Which is no big deal, just bare the wire a little and solder it on. But Bob, is right, it is not hard to install. I'm no mechanic, and it was not difficult. I do not like paying high labor bills when I can do it myself. Just follow along in the manual and it worked out perfectly. Mostly plug and play.