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SOLD (FS: Signal Dynamics Diamond Star Headlight Modulator)



Just took it off of my 2002 C10 while working on other projects.

The modulator works perfectly, never had any problems with it. Comes with original wiring instructions.

Asking $40.00 plus shipping (I am in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada).

Make me an offer if interested.
(Let me know your location, so that I can check shipping cost.)

Thank you,


Sorry for the delay Gentlemen. I checked out the shipping cost and it's about the same anywhere in the Continental USA.

So the new selling price (shipping included) is US$ 50.00.

Payment by personal check or PayPal (to laszlodotprisingatgmaildotcom ). (If paying by PayPal, I would ask for US$52.00 to offset their fees.)

Thank you,
