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SOLD Valentine One Radar/Laser Detector SOLD


Mini Bike
Purchased less than three months ago. This is the absolute newest version. It needs no firmware upgrades whatsoever. I also have the Concealed Display and the Remote Audio Adapter.
The Concealed Display "partners with V1, moving all the visual warnings to a location of your choosing while V1 continues on duty in the dark mode."  -- from Valentine website.
The Remote Audio Adapter " For motorcyclists or headphone users, here's a way to move V1's audio warnings anywhere you want them. Compact module has a speaker and two headphone jacks (one mini, 3.5mm; and one micro, 2.5mm). You also get remote control of all Control Knob and Lever functions including mute and computer modes; handy when you've mounted V1 out of reach. Connects with standard V1 power cords. " --from Valentine website
These are the prices for new equipment:
V1  $399.00
Concealed Display  $39.00
Remote Audio Adapter $49.00
plus shipping!

I am selling mine for $ $439 delivered to your door. I'll throw in an extra 2-Port Lighter Adapter—Swivel.
Everything is in mint condition and come with the original boxes.
I don't do PayPal, so the payment must be either in cash or a USPS Money Order.
  It arrived today, right on schedule and in perfect condition.
Best packing job I've ever seen!

