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Southern Colorado rides


Big Wheel
I'm looking for others to ride with in the Southern Colorado area (when the weather improves). There is a lot of great mountain riding out here. So far, all I've found are "cruiser" types, sport touring being all-but unheard of. I'd like to start by planning a 1/2 day ride, end of May-ish. Anyone out there? Julian, Ca
Julian, There are some areas of the country that have very few owners. I am not sure about southern Colorado but you can find out. Many are not here on forums. I would contact your area director or AAD and/or if your a member use the directory to get an idea how many are close to you. If enough people and no rides are scheduled work with your AAD to get some set up. I would be more then happy to come ride the area. I have in the past and I like it. It is just not happening this year for me. :( You should be able to dig you contact info from the main front page, area pages. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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