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Spotting other Washington State Connie Riders



:)  Saw a lot of Conies Thursday and Friday while working in the Sequim area.  Saturday at the roundabout going from the 510 north to the Yelm Highway I saw 3 C 14s as I was headed to Paulson's in Lacey to pick up my new C 14.
It's black...
I often see a black c14 on WA. 161 heading up the hill out of Puyallup in to Milton on my commute home. Just checking to see if it might be another COG member....
Congratulations! I live on Bainbridge and my fun rides are usually to Port Townsend and environs. I ride the faster Gray model. And I also got mine at Paulson's, and had a good experience. I don't see many other Connies while cruising around, but when I do, I smile.

Welcome to the tribe.