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Steep Entrance to Busy Street Causing Gentle letdown


Well I cannot say I wasn't warned.  I read all the details of others demise and was convinced I knew what to watch for and how to avoid the inevitable.  Today I was not so lucky.  I went to the office where I have been doing my private investigation work and this was the first time on the bike, since I had to take it to get inspected.  The driveway entrance and exit is very steep about 4 feet drop over 20 feet.  My first time in and out was uneventful because I stopped at the top of the slope to clear traffic as I exited.  I had to leave and come back, so the second time out I looked at the top and it looked clear, but due to a curve a car was coming from the left, so as I stopped on the slope the bike went to the right and just kept leaning right until it was laying on the ground.  Stopped the engine and tried to lift the bike, but was in the wrong position on the right side.  The guy in a car behind me came up and grabbed the left rear handle and it popped right up.  Since it was on the slope, I held the front brake, mounted from the right side and went on my way.  Surprisingly there was no damage to the bike.  I just straightened the right side mirror that was readjusted by the ground.  Yes, I was surprised how quick it happened, but at least now I know to be carefully on really steep slopes.
Sorry for the troubles.  I would do an extra inspection of the peg on the down side.  They sometimes just crack the bracket and  leave you to learn it is broken till you actually need to put your weight into them. 
It happens to us all sooner or later, RL.  Connie is a top-heavy beast.  It sounds like you handled it about as well as possible - and you even had a Good Samaritan nearby to help you lift her up!  Take Bob's advice though, and check that right side peg mount.  The aluminum block the footpeg attaches to is notorious for cracking - sometimes only slightly - and if you don't check it can let you down at an incredibly bad time.  I'm really glad that neither you nor Connie was hurt, and your incident does qualify you for the CDA Award except for one thing.

You need to be a full COG member.  Don't worry, we don't make you drop her again after you've joined in order to qualify!  Most folks join if they hang around a while and like what we do here, so just drop me a line after that happens and we'll add you to the roster.

Just to avoid confusion, here are the instructions: How to Convert from Forum Subscriber to Full COG Membership

And here's where to Renew

I am a full member but for some reason it has not been included in the system.  I got the confirmation email but not the card in the mail.  I am working with Fred our South Central Area director to get this fixed.

thanks and I will check out that right peg.

I saw your email before I spotted this note, so I replied that way.  Fred should be able to get this straightened out.  I had exactly the same problem with my renewal last year, and Al Norcross was able to set it right in just a week or so.  But, as I said in the email, it's all done with volunteers rather than automagically by computer, so even the quickest response is often irritatingly slow.

On the other hand, if you have the skills and the interest, it highlights yet another opportunity to volunteer.
I see that chatting with Fred was all it took to make your new COG# appear - congratulations and welcome to the club!  And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 535th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0531 C10 Frank Dunlap
0532 C10 Keith Toby
0533 C10 Scott Mitchell
0534 C10 Eric Stewart
0535 C10 David Peters