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Stock Seat Wanted


Big Wheel
I just purchased a 2011 Concours with 3K miles and it has a Corbin seat on it that I hate. I am looking for a stock seat in new/excellant condition to purchase. I hear they go for around $100. Please contact me if you have one for sale. And Yes the Corbin will be for sale after I can find a stocker. Contact me if you have a stocker for sale.


I got a Corbin riders seat and a smugger a while back. I'm kind of looking for the passinger Corbin seat to go with it. If you'd care to trade just the passinger section for a stock seat from a 2011, lets talk.
I've been riding my 08 Connie with the stock seat for a couple of years. I've been thinking about an aftermarket seat. Mind my asking why you don't like the Corbin?
I also have a 2011 that I just got with a stock seat in excellent condition, bike was purchased new in April....maybe we can work something out. PM sent....