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Submission deadlines for the next SW area newsletter


Cutoff for submission to the next SW area newsletter is April 15 (and is NOT limited to SW members, Got some fun stories about the SW area send them in). As expressed in the last newsletter we need your participation to make this a success. DO NOT rely on your AD, AAD's and Editor to carry this alone 'cause pretty soon we'll run out of words (well maybe not me 'cause I'm an old school blowhard). Have a favorite route with some pics? Send us the story. Include a google map or GPS? Send it! Some History from you old timers would be great (you reading this JP?). Got some suggestions for your area leadership team or membership (letters to the Editor)? We'll take it. Send it over to me or Mr. Owen, We'll make ya famous. Please don't make me beg. It's not pretty and you'll feel really bad afterword  :)
Mark Hartman
Old Man on a Connie said:
Please don't make me beg. It's not pretty and you'll feel really bad afterword  :)
Mark Hartman
I'm all over it Mark.  Just like that sand wash.  No, no I think what was suppose to be a road.  Oh hell! I can't remember after that face plant :-[ :truce:  But hey, thanks for the memories...I think.  Lets do it again :motonoises:.

To be continued in the Newsletter

Where's my members? Get your junk to me so Mr. Owen can make ya famous. Pics, history, routes, oop's. Funny stuff. I told you it wouldn't be pretty. Don't make me expose embarrassing pictures. Ya'll need to send your stuff in or the dog gets it! I've met a bunch of you folks and know you have stories. If I pull your ticket at a raffle I may forget what the number is. Just sayin'.  ;)
Recently back from the land of the eternal margarita, where I was forced to spend my week putting sun-block on various parts of the international fashion model I was traveling with.  We saw some scooters and a Harley store in the mall.
Also had a good giggle about why (oh why) do Harley riders insist on wearing their brand of choice on their sleeve (chest, back, swimsuit, etc.).
Everyday, there was a quad-wheeler rolling up and down the beach ridden by no less than four Mexican Marines toting what appeared to be AR15s.
The end.

Got your junk Brad Man. Bruce, include more pics of the cutie on the left and your in!