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Takin' the long way home


Prepping the bike for the Florida trip today. I let Cycle Specialties take care of the dirty work for me. While there, I saw this interesting motorcycle in for maintenance.
Interesting bike in great condition. A 2-stroke inline twin. Once all the work was done and the money spent, time to meander home, and meander I did.
At this point, I was quite sure where I was. I knew I was east of Indiana, north of Cinci and south of Oxford. So I stopped for a drink and to ask, "So...where is this place?"
Once that question was answered, I saw this potentially amusing route to take.
The turned out to be pretty boring. My area may not have mountains and extreme curves, but it does have character and charm.
: 38k miles
Miles of boring will make charm all the more better. Texas has some of that in areas. Looks like a good day. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
Thank you for the pics of that Kawi. Believe it or not I forgot that I had one of those briefly when I was young. I do wish I had written down all the bikes I have had but I didn't. I had totally forgotten about that one and if I recall it was a rather forgetable piece of iron. I wonder why anyone would restore one?