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Thank you Dan!


Mini Bike
I was in Seattle for a few days at a conference with Sunday off. Dan drove all the way from Tacoma to pick me up at my hotel. Got to his place and he had a spare C10 for me to ride - 144,000 miles on it and still taught all round. We rode south then back up the coast. Great day out and unspoiled scenery. Country roads just like back in the UK - foggy too!

Good food out at Westport. Got back to his place and he drove me all the way back to Seattle. Great guy, good ride 320 miles approx. never ridden a C10 before. Nice bike.

Thank you again Dan and would love to repay that hospitality!

Pat is a great guy, fun to ride with, share stories and bike knowledge/history.
Pat, I mentioned another fellow, Wynn about the same age as both of us, also from Wales whom I met and stayed with in AU and also with history of the ACE cafe. I will send email to you both. perhaps you know each other. I did hear many knew one another back then by aliases much like now online.
It was grand on our ride to the coast when just before the ocean view the sun came out in all its glory!
And I will show up in Cheyenne one of these months! My brother Chris lives about 70 mi north in Wheatland.
                                      What Charlie and Old man on a connie said