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The Gathering on the Green Rally

Guys and Gals, I just returned from the initial "Gathering on the Green Rally" in Spring Green, WI. I had a GREAT TIME!! Steve and or Mary-Anne Raab had the event organized to a Tee. Super Kudos to them and to all who assisted. About 50 COG riders and passengers gathered at the Spring Green Motel for the July 9-11 event. I counted about 20 tents out on the expansive lawn and the balance of the attendees were in the motel. The motel staff went out of their way to make our stay enjoyable. Plus, with only a couple of exceptions, the weather cooperated very well. And, let me mention the roads? The Southwestern Chunk of Wisconsin, bordered by the Mississippi River on the west and I-90 from Janesville all the way around to LaCrosse, is blessed with a huge number of wonderful two-lane roads and State Highways that are perfect for motorcycle riding. The group called many of then "Alphabet Roads" because they are County Roads and have names like "CR A" or "CR G". Check your Road Atlas -- they're all over that area of the State. They wiggle off up and down the hills and valleys and connect the various small towns and villages. They offer wonderful cycling opportunities -- generally very good road surfaces and absolutely minimal traffic. In my three days of riding the area, I saw about one-half of those roads. By coincidence, next year's COG National in Tomah, WI is right there in that area of WI. The attendees to the event in Tomah will be able to ride those same roads. What an opportunity for them. Ride safe out there.