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Third time's the charm


Might as well take the time to document this now:

The bike has taken a nap three times now.

First, a friend tried to get on it and tipped it over on the right side.  :mad: Luckily I had just put a new set of MC Cruisers Canyon Cages and Saddlebag Guards on it! Based on my understanding of the rules - this doesn't count. :truce:

A month or two later I go to do a u-turn on an off camber, uphill driveway and realize I don't have enough space to make the turn. It's either stop or go into the ditch. I stopped and the bike went down on the left side.  :-[ This one probably counts as I did get it stopped before it went over.

The third time's the charm I suppose. I pull up in front of Google headquarters in the middle of a monsoon. Park the bike, go to put it up on the center stand and almost there, my foot slips off. The bike comes back down, does a slow bounce and then promptly starts leaning right. I let her down as easy as I could without pulling a muscle. Left the kickstand down, walked around the bike and did a deep-squat pickup with my back toward the bike and generally tried to ignore everyone watching from the windows.  :mad:

Tip: buy the canyon cages - I'd be out the cost of the bike with these three drops if I hadn't had them on the bike. And don't be casual about racking the bike on the center stand in the rain.
Buying them is only half the battle.  You wouldn't believe how many folks report that, at the time of their drop, the bars were sitting on a shelf in the garage waiting to be installed.  Glad to hear that they worked for you!

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 509th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0505 C14 Robert Bogart
0506 C14 Rob Jamison
0507 C14 Kevin Remsen
0508 C14 David Robinson
0509 C14 Bill Sanders