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Thumb cramps


I have beefy thumb muscles from years in construction. The problem is there's not as much stamina as I would like in my throttle hand. What exercises can I do to fix it? I end up with my pinky and side of my hand on the bar weights. It reminds me to loosen my grip. I have had ex wives quit holding my hand while walking because I start squeezing without realizing I'm doing it. My hands still feel relaxed to me.
After I installed handle bar risers I found that not having as much downward pressure on my hands allowed me to loosen my grip a bit. Cruise control also helps for longer trips to give you throttle hand a break.
I feel that exercise will only strengthen hand muscles and exasperate the issue by squeezing harder than needed. Too much forward lean exerts pressure on the wrist and hands. Sit up straighter, Relax arms and loosen your grip.
I do know that I need to relax more. Really in everything I do. Maybe I can get some of those sticky palm gloves and I won't feel like I have to "hold on" to the throttle.
I do know that I need to relax more. Really in everything I do. Maybe I can get some of those sticky palm gloves and I won't feel like I have to "hold on" to the throttle.
More saddle time will help you relax your grip too.

Then for cramping on your throttle hand a full electronic cruise control or more popularly used a bolt on throttle lock will help reduce hand fatigue dramatically.

Let me know if you need references.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
Agree, agree "More saddle time will help you relax your grip too." (y)

I have a nerve graft in my right arm from my right ankle from an accident in 1988 (fingers stopped moving from a cut Ulnar nerve laceration) and driving the bike more, is the best solution.
When I first got this bike in 2011 I was trying everything, I also installed McCruise, ;)
Suede gloves got it. Will look for some. As for more seat time, I can see that. I've just started riding slightly over a year ago. Adding to the list of things to learn. Thanks guys.
More saddle time will help you relax your grip too.

Then for cramping on your throttle hand a full electronic cruise control or more popularly used a bolt on throttle lock will help reduce hand fatigue dramatically.

Let me know if you need references.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
I use both of these as well as a cramp buster type device. All of these get used in different scenarios and they help me a lot.

Ditto on the cramp buster! I modded mine to make it smaller so that my palm rests on it and have it set on the grip so that at 90MPH or so it feels just right.