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Tire Pressure


Training Wheels
I tried searching but must be entering the wrong parameters because I cannot find a clean answer. What is the best pressure to run on the front and rear stock tires on a 2011 Concours?

Thanks, Bill
42 psi is what Kawi specifies for the OEM Battleax tires. This doesn't necessarily apply to non-OEM tires.
thanks, 42 it is, i had always run a little higher on the rear but that doesn't seem to be the case on the connie
I have been running 42 front and rear (PR2's) ... but the front is starting to have the funny pattern to it like the Stones had.
So i am thinking i will bump the front up to 43 or 44 to see if that stops it.
I have a 2010 Concours 14 and have run 42/42 on both PR3's and Angel St's, with about 22,000miles on it (nearing the end of my 4th set of tires).
42/42 on oems probably should have been more to get more than the 3500 miles out of them
42/42 pr2
41/42 angels
40/42 shinko 009 gave better front feel this way
42/42 pr3
I always run my street tires  a little high, cars ,trucks,  bike ,  I'm at 44 .
South Fl. HOT roads.