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TMPS unit concern

no - IIRC, it will appear the same as when the TPMS transponder batteries are dead... dashes displayed on the TPMS screen.

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My 2010 Concours14 ABS displays a full 'screen' low battery warning that prevents looking at other bike features until things 'warm up".
That's why i would rather remove TPMS than replace units/battery. Thanks for the help.
This may work:

When you have a warning flashing on your electronic dash, you can reset it allowing you access to the other windows.
  1. Press and hold button A (top)
  2. Press and release button B (bottom)
  3. Release button A (top)
These instructions were specifically for a 2011 C14, but should be the same for all Concours 14 models/years.
Thanks Wandrng; will try it when it's warm enough to reinstall battery for 2024 riding. Then still remove the units on tire change this year.
Being able to see that I was losing pressure in the rear tire saved my butt one day. I was able to pull over without any drama. I had that happen on my 82 GS1100 as well. Scared the crap out of me. I thought to myself that this is the day I hit the pavement at speed. I managed to get pulled over to the shoulder safely......and I was as thankful as I have ever been. The autel sensors are $30 a piece. I'm a believer in tpms on a bike. Give it some consideration. If you're still not convinced, ask the opinion of those that care about you. HTH
Don't tell Ted, but I'm really not a genius, so if I can do it, you can too. Buy the sensor and the programming pad and you're set. Balance procedure is the same with or without.
Is programming simple and does one need to balance the tire/rim after installation?
I don't see your location, but people here often will help out with programming. I just bought the programming pad and haven't even tried it out yet as don't need it till probably next tire change this season. You need the codes on the old ones to program the new ones. there are a couple of threads about this recently.
I've had my 2012 since January. Both TPMS were no good then. I thought I read somewhere that the batteries would finally drain completely and the front/rear battery warnings would stop. Is this true?

That would be great. Let um die and forget about um!
I've had my 2012 since January. Both TPMS were no good then. I thought I read somewhere that the batteries would finally drain completely and the front/rear battery warnings would stop. Is this true?

That would be great. Let um die and forget about um!
Found the thread and the answer is apparently yes. Woop Woop!
Why not replace them with the autel units? Quite a few including myself will tell you that TPMS saved their butt.
Aye. This is my first bike with the sensors and they are kinda nice... when they work! I'll revisit the problem when I put tires on it. Thanks for the suggestion Bud.
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Found the thread and the answer is apparently yes. Woop Woop!

When both F & R show -- -- disconnect the battery earth cable for a minute or so, then when your ride next the TPMS screen will have disappeared.

If you have the early type sensors, the batteries are easily replaced. The TPMS screen will then 'magically' reappear when the bike is ridden.