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Too Slick!


It was just a couple of days before Super-Storm Sandy hit the east coast. The snow hadn't yet started to fall in Morgantown, but the rain was coming down. I just got my bike out of the storage facility and had pulled in to a service station. The pavement was wet (of course), but what I didn't know was that they had just resurfaced it. I started out of the parking lot, attempted to turn and before I knew what was going on I was sliding on my back across the parking lot. I was off the bike and as I was sliding I could see the bike sliding just beside me - unfortunately, it was doing a little 360 on its side and as it was turning I could see that windshield was about to smack me in the head. Fortunately, I was able to give it a little push and avoid getting whacked. I only skidded about 10-15 yards, but it was so slick that I didn't even get any scuff marks on my rain gear. No damage to me - other than my pride, but the poor bike is now sporting some reminders of the storm.

I have a whole new appreciation for wet pavement. I thought those PR 3's were supposed to have great traction in the rain!
DLSnider said:
whole new appreciation for wet pavement. I thought those PR 3's were supposed to have great traction in the rain!
They do, but it sounds like you were on new tarmac which is as lethal as diesel covered tarmac.
When new the tar "floats" to the surface so you were in effect riding on one big tar snake.
Water on tar = zero grip.
Mother Nature really can provide us with some nasty stuff to drive through, can't she?  Good thing it happened in the parking lot rather than out on the highway.  I'm really glad that you weren't hurt, and your incident does qualify you for the CDA Award except for one thing.

You need to be a full COG member.  Don't worry, we don't make you drop her again after you've joined in order to qualify!  Most folks join if they hang around a while and like what we do here, so just drop me a line after that happens and we'll add you to the roster.

I see that your membership status is Active but there's no COG# assigned to you yet.  This usually means that you've just joined up but the process hasn't been completed yet.  We're all volunteers here, so sometimes things take a while.  Just holler when the COG# appears.  But in case I'm wrong, here's how to join:

Just to avoid confusion, here are the instructions: How to Convert from Forum Subscriber to Full COG Membership

And here's where to Renew
I have an email from Darrell Anderson from Nov 25, 2013 welcoming me to COG that says I am a "Regular Member." I assume that is the same as a full member. If so, then just need to wait for the card and membership number. If not, let me know so that I can get it fixed up.
Wow, that really IS a long time.  Glad it finally happened!

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 494th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0490 C10 Bob Pappalardo
0491 C14 Tom Tomlinson
0492 C14 Don Bryant
0493 C14 Tom Roush
0494 C14 Daryl Snider
Roll on up folks,.. or perhaps that should be "tumble on down".
Who is gonna get CDA#500 ???
:rotflmao: :nananana: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: