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Training Wheels
Is there any way to permanently turn off this feature?  I know the method of pressing top and bottom buttons, but can it be totally turned off?
  I would bet replacing the TP sensors with normal valves would do the job. (And kept away from the bike like wrapped in foil or such) IIRC, when the batteries are totally dead, they do not display on the dash at all. So it seems to me replacing the sensors, might do the trick. But I personally would either replace the sensors or the batteries in the old ones to get the system working again. As much as I don't like unnecessary weight and technologies. The TPS is actually a system that could save your butt and is in my opinion, worth having (if it works).
  But it is definitely  a system that's technically not needed. But it's very worth while when it warns you that you are getting a flat and it allows you to look for a convenient place to address the problem (rather than where ever it goes flat. Or have a tire going flat quickly when running a good pace through a lot of turns. I had both of these happen to me on two different tires, two hours apart.