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TPS Sensors Wanted

rev ryder

COG Executive Director
Yes, I am calling for help from anyone who may have had their old sensors replaced under warranty and who may have their old ones and not need them.

What has occured is tat one of our own, Mikerose, sent his sensors to me via Priority Mail and the USPS seems to have dropped the ball on us somewhere.  THe worst part is that it isn't like he sent them last week and today I have yet to receive them, it is thathe sent them APRIL 16th and I have yet to see them.  I find it hard to believe that they could possibly yet show.  Now I have been mailing these suckers all over to folks via Priority Mail and without any delivery confirmation or insurance and have had zero problems.  But this deal has me scared to continue that practice now.  One little package doesn't make the trip and someone is out a lot of money. 

So, here's my plea.  If you have one or two sensors that you do not need that the batteries are dead on, but you suspect they would still work, we would certainly like to have them and would be thrilled to buy you a BEER at the National for them if you are of a mind to help a brother out of a jam.  So if you can help, please PM me "Rev Ryder" or "mikerose".  We'd sure be happy to hear from ya so we can fix Mike's bike back up.