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Tricky windshield question...


Street Cruiser
My bike came from the PO with a short Cee Bailey, which I like. It's more pronounced curve gives the bike a sharp profile. Wind over the screen hits me right in the forehead so it could be an inch-ish taller but the air folds over my head nicely as is. The problem comes in when my beloved rides with me, her head sits in my head's draft in such a way that my head starts mildly swimming in the wind at 45mph or more. So, the question is, how do I fix it? Do I lengthen the shield, shorten the shield or go with a different shaped shield? I prefer not to remove either head if it's avoidable.
Brett, I had this happen with my back seat passenger also. I changed helmets for riding two-up and that solved the problem. Heck, it's a good excuse to buy a new helmet. We also tried having her tuck in a little closer or a little further back and that helped some also. David in Jax COG# 7898 NE FL AAD & COG Vendor www.dreamjobresumes.com preparing resumes for COG members and friends I ride a KAWASAKI ZZR1200 Euro Review http://www.motorbikestoday.com/reviews/Articles/ZZR1200.htm US Review http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/roadtests/2002_kawasaki_zzr1200/inde
Adding or subtracting anything behind the windshield causes some changes in airflow. When I added my Givi trunk I noticed on the highway the increased buffetting. I messed around with different home made Rifle shield sizes; doing test runs, etc. I find that even air density changes the buffeting. I did notice that when switching from an HJC helmet to a Shoei RF1000 that the buffeting has been reduced substancially. The airflow is still there but the helmet handles it better. Cut you own shields from lexan and experiment. That's cheaper than a new $250+ helmet! Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 (2.0) 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
Good points! I experiemented a lot with my Connie shield because I like a lot of air. I had a Shoei X-11 and the spoiler on the back. When riding 2-up the spoiler made my head bob and weave in a horizontal figure-8 pattern. It was amazing! I did switch to a different helmet with a much smaller spoiler and it helped. I sold the Connie (not because of this) and that permanently solved the problem. So we have a couple of suggestions, listed in order of cost: 1 experiment with shield types and heights 2 try a different helmet (maybe borrow a friends to try?) 3 buy a different bike (I did this but not because of any problem) Of course the third option is listed with tongue-in-cheek and a good chuckle. David in Jax COG# 7898 NE FL AAD & COG Vendor www.dreamjobresumes.com preparing resumes for COG members and friends I ride a KAWASAKI ZZR1200 Euro Review http://www.motorbikestoday.com/reviews/Articles/ZZR1200.htm US Review http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/roadtests/2002_kawasaki_zzr1200/inde
An inexpensive solution may be a Laminar Lip. The other forum had a discussion about the Laminar Lip and one user said it helped greatly with passenger comfort. Because the Lips are designed for specific windshields and they only recommend Lips for windshields they have done testing with you will be on your own for selecting which version to get for use with your Cee Bailey. I believe one member used a Lip designed for the Connie's OEM windshield on a Cee Bailey with good results. YMMV Mike Aldea, COG-528 Hawthorne, NJ
I had the Laminar Lip on my stock windshield and it didn't really help me. In the end, I went with the Rifle system with 19in shield. I am really happy with it, there is an opening in the base which allows some air to flow behind the shield and I am able to see over the shield and just duck behind it in bad weather.
Brett, I have the Rifle and I'm very happy with it. Easy to make new shield for cheap. You might try the Lanmar as its much cheaper then a new shield. You could just buy some lexan and tape it to the top of your shield to see if making it higher will help. I can get a piece at the local glass shop for less than $20.00.