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Trip report: Harpers Ferry WV to Bend OR - The First Leg


I left Harpers Ferry WV on July 5th with plans to go to Bend OR, then Marin County CA, then Pollock Pines CA, then return home.  So far so great.  I'm now in Bend and willing be getting (sorely needed) new tires tomorrow before heading on. 

Most of the roads have been 2 digit and 3 digit country roads.  Great roads in all the states I've been through so far:  VA: Rt 50; Rt. 800 in Ohio; Rt. 19 in Indiana towards Peru; Rt. 113 in Illinois (nw out of Kankakee); Rt 52 along the Mississippi north from Sabula IA - although I could have done with the (likely) texting driver who drove across the line and half onto the shoulder on MY side of the road and then got back into his own lane; Rt 385 (and 44 and 85 and 14A) loop from Rapid City SD to Sturgis and Rt 79 and Rt 85 north from there all great. Rt 85 through ND (T. Roosevelt NP great camping although the Missouri River did some damage) was nice, but a fair amount of construction that provided butt rests, so I'm not complaining.  [The one freeway I spent some time on was I-90 between Mitchell and Rapid City. It was hot and I'd decided to stay in Rapid City and hotel it and drink beer instead of camping in Interior. 455 miles that day. I deserved a break!]

Rt 2 across northern Montana had lots of interesting bits, but, hey, it's a long way to go.  Arrived at Glacier, east side on July 12, and they opened Logan Pass (Going to the Sun) road the next morning.  Just for me!!  It would have been a nice drive except for the long sections of gravel and, worse, packed mud, but it wasn't raining so it could have been much worse. Continued on to Columbia Falls on Rt 93 and stayed at Big Arm State Park  south of Dayton, right on the water. Nice folks running that place.

Next day continued on to Missoula (late breakfast at Ruby's Diner) then on to Lolo Pass.  Two wrecks on the west side and an 18 mile stretch of 'freshly oiled pavement - motorcyclists be very careful' and TG it was dry pavement - one of the wrecks was an SUV in the Lochsa River, don't think the occupants made it out. Lolo Pass road was wonderful, esp the east side since the pavement was in much better condition.  Took Rts 13 and 95 around to Lewiston. 13 was fabulous after getting through the construction (river had taken out my lane completely), especially the curves up to the high plain. WOW!  That night in Hellsgate State Park just outside Lewiston ID.

Next day took Rt 12 (totally lovely road) to Walla Walla where I did some wine tasting and had a great lunch at 'brasserie four'.  Then Rt 12 (still totally lovely) on to the Columbia River where I turned south onto Rt 730 and then Rt 14 along the north side of the Gorge. Long!!  Had to stop and rest my butt part way.  Crossed the river at The Dalles and took the freeway to Exit 57 (56?) for the Viento State Park.  Too much noise from the freeway and the train (horn for the crossing there), but it rained in the morning while still in the tent, so I got some sleep since the rain muffled the other noise.

Next day took Rt 36 south of Hood River (saw the south side of Mt Hood covered with snow as were all the Cascade mountains) and then Rt 26 through the res, then Rt 97 and 20 to the Tumalo State Park. Great state park. No noise!!!

Tomorrow I get the new tires and oil chance here in Bend and head out after that for points south. Will report on that after it's done.

3,600 plus miles done. About 3,400 to go.

Having the time of my life!!
