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xDOT has adapted a version of the car game Slug Bug, where people on the road take notice when they see a Volkswagen Beetle.

Instead, car riders are encouraged to play the Bike Counting Game to spot motorcycles.

Good luck with that one  :-X
Can't be any worse than what they've been doing.  ::)  Who knows; might help. At least they're thinking about it.  ???
I was in El Paso two weekends ago, and all the marquees over the highways had reminders to "save a life - look twice for motorcycles".
Like Jim said, at least they're thinking about it.

In Indiana, there have been some "awareness rides" where massive number of riders come out on the same day & time and simply ride around some of the major roads in the cities/towns.

In Anderson (50,000 people) there were several hundred riders. In Muncie (55,000 people?) last year there were hundreds that came out. All were well-behaved, no incidents, and they drew attention because they clogged up traffic a little just by adding volume. The sad part is that both were encouraged by accidents where a person pulled out in front of a bike.

Let's hope it improves...

Matt said:
Waco sure took a weird approach to their awareness campaign.

Ahhh Waco, Giving Motorcyclist and Religion a bad image.  I think there is something bad in their water.  Anyone seen a tee shirt "  I'm a Motorcyclist not a Biker!" ?
TXDOT - they are trying to give some information and that is always beneficial. I made a living cleaning up truck wrecks and hazmat spills for TXDOT for 20 years.

Waco... that was weird. In the middle of that melay I was coming back from Bastrop, TX and crossed paths with some bikers who were coming from that direction. They were all wearing colors and looking like they were in a hurry. I waved and none of them waved back. Glad I didn't take it personal (as we say in Texas). When I got back home I saw that a good friend was arrested there. I forgot that he was a member of the outlaw Texas gang that started back in 1966 and I didn't KNOW he was still associated with them. What a shocker... 