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Big Wheel
Hey coggers. I'm new to COG. My name is Lee Jenkins. My alias name is 'SwordMan' The reference is to the 'Sword of the Spirit' which is the Word of God- The Bible! I am an ordained minister of the Gospel and it is the only honor I have or want. I hope there are other Bible Believin' Bikers(BBB's) in the COG that are also 'UNASHAMED' of their faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Let's see who is bold. SwordMan
Hey Brett. I live in Central Florida. The town/city of Ridge Manor off of U.S. 301 N. and SR 50. I ride a 2002 Silver Concours 1000cc. I just got it 2 months ago. I have put about 1200 miles on it myself and it has only 10975 on the odometer. I am enjoying it big time as I discover some of these Central Florida unbusy country roads. I need to meet a fellow COG member in my near proximity that can show me the how to's of basic maintanance and what I need to know most about my 2002 model. I have never done personal bike care but I would like to learn how to. I plan on getting a Clymers Manual or whatever is best for learning. Thanks for the Welcome! Lee(SwordMan)
Welcome from ALMOST the other coast.. ;p My name is Lee also,, :) The books you listed are great along with this forum. You'll be able to fix almost any thing on the bike (and in a few cases rebuild it completely) Ride safe. Yuma, Lee,also. Summer in Yuma is not hell, but hell is a local call :) 2006 Connie http://community.webshots.com/user/Lateck?vhost=community
Well, let's hope we all avoid the 'rebuild it completely' scenario. :) I live in NC, but the Florida boys are very active. I'm sure one or more will pop in to this topic soon and if not, you can shoot the area director or the assistant an e-mail. Just use the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of any page on the website. You're in the right place to learn about how to maintain your Connie. On top of that, the Concours is very open to accessories and modifications to personalize her to your particular needs and riding style. Tech sessions also happen on occasion where guys get together to work on their bikes. I haven't been to one yet myself, but I'm wagering Spring will bring one around. I do hope you make it to the National Rally in NC next year. I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of the guys in person there (hopefully you included:)).
As far as I am concerned there is no reason to feel any shame from either side of the fence. We welcome you either way. I know of at least three others here that are ordained. I am happy to answer your questions anytime. I think the main thing with any personal belief here is not to try and sell it to others. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
Welcome brother Lee. Boldness has its place and time as does humility. I found life is lived in the tension between these two poles. Swords and plowshares are both realities of life... for me, the plowshare is a more worn tool. In any case, it's good to have you among us and I pray you will find your life enriched in our company and we in yours.
Welcome Lee, Your up above Dade City right? Well I'm down in N Sarasota. Feel free to contact me about mx questions, having both the Clymer manual along with the Kawi manual is helpful. There's a few COGger's around Inverness, Tampa/St. Pete. Come check out our Last Blast Before Dec 27th. it's on the calendar of events. I think we had about 40 or so attendees last year. Welcome aboard
Hello brother Chuck. I appreciate your reminder regarding 'humility.' It is part of the character of Christ that I certainly need to understand and practice more. The way I worded my introduction comments was not wise enough to avoid misconception by readers. I am NOT any bolder than most who acknowledge Christ as Lord. I do admire all who will actively make their faith in Him known, but as you allude to with your 'ploughshare' analogy, it is of equal importance to live out the Gospel by doing works of love to needy others, whether believers in Christ or not. Thanks for spurring me on ... (Hebrews 10:24) 'SwordMan Lee