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Using 470 ml of fork fluid in 2008


Who has increased the fork fluid level in their 2008 and 2009 models, to the 2010 level, 25 ml more. 470 ml with forks compressed at 93.2 mm?
Did you notice much improvement???
I have recently gone from a 2009 to a 2011 C14 and I have noticed two things. The bike sits up a bit taller, I'm on my toes and it's noticeable. The other is it's stiffer and bouncier at the factory setting. I haven't changed a thing and haven't notice any difference in handling.
i had my forks done recently and they put it to the new specs.  honestly, i dont like it.  it is way too stiff and 'bouncy'. i like a stiff suspension, but thats rediculous.  ive backed off the settings, but its still pretty firm.

ill eventually get used to it and the oil will eventually break down so itll loosen up...hopefully.  the good news is my forks seals dont leak anymore!

i should also mention that i had 10w oil put in.  isnt factory 7w or something like that? 
My forks will not bottom out, about 30mm left. I am thinking I need to lower my oil level to be able to use all the travel. Why would you raise the oil level?
tjhess74 said:
i had my forks done recently and they put it to the new specs.  honestly, i dont like it.  it is way too stiff and 'bouncy'. i like a stiff suspension, but thats rediculous.  ive backed off the settings, but its still pretty firm.

ill eventually get used to it and the oil will eventually break down so itll loosen up...hopefully.  the good news is my forks seals dont leak anymore!

i should also mention that i had 10w oil put in.  isnt factory 7w or something like that?
5W suspension fluid