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V-Max to C-14 in Pittsburgh, PA


Big Wheel
Loved the mid range torque and look of the V-Max.  I was able to keep up with most riders in the corners. But more than an hour in the seat and my tookus needed a break.

I've been threatening to buy a Sport/Tourer for 10 years. I had an "issue" with re-registering my V-Max (PA-DOT nuff said). Pulled into the place I bought it and asked if they had uncrated the C-14. They had. I said take this bike and keep my payments under $350. They did.

4 days and 550 miles later, I'm logging on here.

This bike fits like a glove. 

Last Monday I sold my HD Street Glide.  Last Thursday I flew to Corona, Ca from Tucson, AZ bought a 2008 C14 that had 1260 miles on it and rode it back home.  Left Tucson at 0600 on a plane and rolled back into town at 1830 on the new bike.  It has been one week and I have logged just over 1000 mile already.

Enjoy the new bike and ride safe.
Congratulations, O.D.! Which year did you buy, '10 or '11? Heck, it's just a color change.. Wishing you many miles of smiles :great:
Hope to see you at the Nationals in Vermont this summer!
Thanks guys. I got the 2011. My V-max was a 2002. How do I find rides in or around Pittsburgh? I used to just go out and meet people at little stops I'd make all the time with my V-Max. But I don't stop much on this bike. IT is comfortable.
Well Joe Cyprych is the Assistant Area Director for the NE Area around there. So it may be worth contacting him. Joe would have a much better idea of what goes on around Pittsburgh. Joe also has a ride going next weekend. It's the "Cook Forest Camp & Ride Weekender", on July 8th - 10th.


Then on August 21, Russ Fleming has a "Sport Touring Camaraderie Ride 2", in Carlisle. Yes it's a little ride away, but not too bad.
