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VIN Location?


Big Wheel
I know I must be slow, but I can't locate my VIN for registration purposes! I see the engine number - can't see the frame number -- but have no idea where the VIN actually is. PA requires a tracing of the VIN when titling for the first time in state. Any eagle eyes who could help me out? David Reese COG#8804 Boiling Springs, PA
It should be on the right side of the steering head. Turn the handlebars to the left and standing on the right side of the bike they should be right there. Mine are in a kind of copper color, not stamped but kind of like a laser etch? HTH
David, look just below the front of the gas tank. There is a plate on the fork where you can read the VIN.
Super! I stepped out to the garage just after I posted and discovered it, clear as day! You guys must've been doin' the ESP thing my direction! Thanks! David