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Wanna See/Feel Heli Bars in Missouri


Anybody in or around Missouri that has the Heli Bars installed? I would love to see and feel them in person before I pull the trigger. Plus, I wouldn't mind meeting some folks. Maybe there is a Ride to Eat coming up somewheres in the Middle West of A?
I don't have the Helibar risers, but I do have the Murph risers with Murphs handlebar wedges.

Located in northeast ks.
Heath we had two RTEs in Missouri. One on May 21st and another on June 24th. Sorry we missed you. If you want to meet a lot of riders, make sure to register for the Spider Ride in September. You won’t be disappointed. Expecting around 50 people to attend.
That sounds great! I had gigs on both of the last RTEs. I for sure want to attend to the ones I can. Thank you for reaching out!