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WANTED: 2003 Concours 1000 Battery Hold Down


Well, upon further inspection of the new to me bike, the battery is only held on by gravity.  There are 2 holes forward on the box sugesting a battery cover is missing.  Anyone have one they could part with?
I think I have a couple of them; let me check.  And while I'm at it I need to check for an '01 blue rear rack cover.
Well I can say one thing for certain, Brian.  Gravity holds the battery perfectly well.  As support of that statement, I've got three C10s sitting here and not a single one of those things in evidence.  At least I found a (bad) picture of the thing:

It's actually a tool tray.  The two loops in the upper right go around the crossbar just to the rear of the battery box and secure with bolts.  The two tabs in the lower left go on top of the holes provided on either side of the fuel tank's large painted tab.

The reason that four out of four of our bikes are missing them is because they require four bolts to be removed in order to access the battery.  This is ok most of the time, but it just takes one time of needing to access the battery at the side of the road (particularly in the rain... DAMHIK) to decide that perhaps that thing would be better off somewhere else.

I've put over 200K miles on four C10s over the years.  I've seen them fall over more than once.  I've never had a single problem with the battery falling out.  Sorry I can't find one for you, but if one turns up I'll send it to you for the cost of shipping.
It actually works fine as a tray without being bolted in.  I rode with it that way for quite a while, discovering along the way that, though it's quite secure, it isn't necessarily dry.