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Well finally did it


Like title said , i finally dropped my 2012 C14  :-[ . Was on the Ice Creamed Goat Rally (most fun you can have with your pants on)  :rotflmao:  I was just south of Shillington PA in the back roads & had to make a very sharp right turn & go down hill. Well i slowed down enough to make the turn , when my front tire hit a little gravel & down went the Valdez. (she is also an oil leaker). I tried so hard to stop it from going down but at least i got it to go down slow. Damage is to the right bag (super small mark) lower unpainted right fairing (most of the scratches) & mid painted fairing , right mirror , (all but lower very little scratched) Could have been worse if i just let it go , but tried so hard to not let the ship sink. So i guess i just put some caracter marks on her to remind me of it. I will not fix it , cause you know what will happen  :-X So i guess i get a number  :great:
I've got to admit that an event entitled the Ice Creamed Goat Rally certainly sounds intriguing.  Glad you had fun, even if you did have a rude surprise at the end of the day.  Gotta watch that gravel; gravel and a sharp turn on an incline is a terrible combination.  Glad that you weren't hurt and that Connie was only lightly scratched.

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 518th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  Not to mention a CDA number to go along with your COG and IBA numbers.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:

0514 C10 Tim Perry
0515 C10 John Toporowski
0516 C14 Todd Everetts
0517 C10 Michael Spickelmier
0518 C14 Gerard Salmon