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Well, I feel stupid... dropped leaving curb.


I'd been riding a Z750S since 2006... very used to the 490 lbs of that machine, also its well worn in engine and exactly how its clutch works...

Bit over100 miles on the brand new 2014 red Concours-14... 3 days.  Morning rolls around, I back the bike out of the garage, I'm feeling good.  Confident.  I start to slowly let the clutch out as I cruise toward the rounded curb - why I chose to do this at a fairly shallow angle I have NO IDEA... Front wheel goes down the curb and I must have let the clutch out inadvertently when it touches the bottom of the curb.  Stall.  Crap.  Well, I can... wait, there's no ground there... Alright, offset body, foot touches down, but it's too far over already - 700 lbs can't tip very far before it's not recoverable, can it... Still, slow it down, slow it down, slow it *crunch*

Well, it *was* new :\

The back wheel had still been on the sidewalk, which meant that getting it back upright was extra painful - luckily, my next door neighbor was able to help and my own knowledge of lifting (butt vs. seat) helped, but it's a tank.

The damage is relatively minor as far as I can tell.  I've ridden since the drop, though I should take off the damaged fairings to make sure nothing beneath them is bent or otherwise damaged.  Right side mirror bolts loosened a bunch, but the mirror didn't break and stayed on - the front of the mirror is scarred up.  The black lower fairing is scratched up a bunch, the red fairing just above that toward the back is scratched up, right bag looks the same... oh, and that little piece of metal in the gutter - that's my peg feeler.

Since 2006 I've dropped my Zed a total of twice... once was the kickstand mistake in 2007.  The other was uneven ground in 2008... 4 years without a drop and I'm on the ground after less than a week of owning the new machine... aw hell.
Sorry to hear about the drop and sorry that had to be your first post.  :truce:

Welcome alikkon.
I've been looking for a place to jump in outside of this one... at least I can count how many mistakes I made and know how to avoid them going forward, right? :)

Thanks for the welcome.
I'm glad you found us, allikon, but like Gumby I'm really sorry to see your first post in this section.  Connie sure is tough to stop once she starts to go over at slow speeds, and there are a lot of us who've had similar experiences.  It's tough to learn the fine points of handling a new bike after so many years on a familiar one.

I'm really glad that you weren't hurt and that Connie's damage can be repaired, and your incident does qualify you for the CDA Award except for one thing.

You need to be a full COG member.  Don't worry, we don't make you drop her again after you've joined in order to qualify!  Most folks join if they hang around a while and like what we do here, so just drop me a line after that happens and we'll add you to the roster.

Just to avoid confusion, here are the instructions: How to Convert from Forum Subscriber to Full COG Membership

And here's where to Renew
I fully expect I will end up doing a level-up on the membership at some point - really just getting a feel for the forum and community.  One of the things I was really hoping to see was rides in my area - I grew up around the GWRRA (and I think at one point my father had gotten me a membership when I was a kid), and loved seeing them going on rides pretty much constantly.  I totally get that the chapters here cover much larger areas and that it's harder to schedule rides in specific areas because of it - there are likely fewer Connies around than Wings and that's probably why the chapter size is so different.

If nothing else, I might adjust some of my settings and start organizing some rides around my area... if people can stand having the scratched 2014 in their midst ;)

The thing that dues really got in GWRRA was a sense of community - joining a chapter meant having a number of people to ride with and to enjoy the bike that they all loved.  I suspect there's a good deal of the same here, but on a more spread out scale.  Even just from the bit of poking around I've done I've seen a number of very active posters and even run across a couple topics that have already been useful (in particular, the bit about the LOW FUEL warnings - I totally would have had that thing flashing at me all last night on the ride home since I didn't have the manual with me, so huge thanks to BDF/Brian on that one)

You're absolutely right that she's a beast of a monster of a tank to stop from going over once she starts, and that was a bit sad to experience, however it was a great lesson and it's gotten me into better, less sloppy, riding habits already.  I'm practicing slow riding and brake dragging to get myself used to how she moves at low speed and I've made sure I know exactly how to avoid letting the clutch slip out too much when going over bumps so I don't stall it in a simple situation again.

Thanks for the welcome from both of you and while I don't look forward to this particular forum section growing, I'm looking forward to reading more of the boards!
Thanks for supporting COG by becoming an official member - you'll find there's an incredible wealth of information here, not to mention the camaraderie of folks who've found something they love.  Glad to have you with us!

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 484th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:

0480 C14 Andrew Byrd
0481 C10 Jeff Kirchman
0482 C10 Alan Kelly
0483 C14 Eric Dimm
0484 C14 Brian Watt
Sorry for your unfortunate drop alikkon.  I hate when I do that. 
And welcome as a forum member AND especially as a COG member.  May all your days riding your new bike become happier memories than this one. 
So far things are going well!  I finally got my wife out for some two-up time after I got the topbox installed - she was very pleased with this bike overall! :)  I'm loving the bike, even after the drop, though I'm annoyed at some of Givi's decisions on their topbox mounting hardware... bleh :p