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Well it finally happened

Pittsburgh Clem

Living in the Pittsburgh it has been tough going lately with the snow and ice. Came home from work at 11p and told Momma I'm going for a ride !!!! She said don't do it stupid their is Ice in them darn hills. Well lets just say in the city and townships that have money the streets are clean of snow and ice .After about 2 hours of riding across I 70 and the turnpike I head back home. WOW it was so nice to be out I bought a new windshield and it work fabulous up to 150 mph. I just could not go home yet ,it was about 2:30 am and I decided to ride thru a small town off I 70 ,streets were all great and clear UNTIL I made a right turn at a light. As I make my turn I see a glaze 30ft wide and as far as I could see. ALL ice, a slip n slide of trouble.I saved it once I saved it twice I would like to think 3 is a charm  NOT. My baby came out from under me and  threw me on my right side. As slow motion is playing in my head I see her sliding another 30 feet or so, a couple parts I can see flying off her. Well I pick myself up  So sad thinking of the worst:)to my surprise the parts flying off was the mirror plastic top part that snapped right back together and my mug . The only damage very minor is some scratches on the fairing and saddlebag.  WOW  I LOVE THIS Bike. I will wave at you all today for it is a glorious day.  Ride safe my friends :great:

I'm really glad you weren't hurt and that Connie's damage was minor, but I'm afraid that one's gotta be ruled a crash, Don.  Don't worry though.  I believe we all encounter a drop sooner or later.
I'm with ya Chip.  Just had to vent,  Cuz ya know I.m not gonna share it with Momma. I will here about it F  o  r    e  v  e  r  :)
I know the feeling.  Mama and I have been divorced for 13 years now, and I still hear about things like that...  ???
ChipDoc said:
I know the feeling.  Mama and I have been divorced for 13 years now, and I still hear about things like that...  ???

hahahahahahahaha...omg! My sympathies!