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what say you ? NSFW language

I tend to be fairly liberal about language - somewhat less so for video.

But I can't view that one.  Got a YouTube link?
The guy in the car is a criminal, and should spend a long time in jail.   

That said, I also think the riders were riding like complete *ss-hats's, and unfortunately I don't find this shocking given today's society.  Let's see, what did they do wrong?  Passing in a no-passing zone, passing multiple vehicles in a row, riding aggressively.  We complain about cage drivers (rightly so) but just because our bikes have a substantial power to weight ratio advantage doesn't give us the right to behave badly.  Hooliganism like the crap that was front-page news in New York or L.A. in the past couple of years has folks convinced we are the problem.  Seems like this stupid red-neck just decided to "take the law into his own hands", and "teach 'em a lesson".

Road rage happens every day - just watch the news.  This is just another one to add to the list. 

Ride careful out there folks!
What is unseen which is typical of media is that the video operator has just caught up to the group and had to drastically reduce his speed.
How long the rest were being held up by the perpetrator is unknown.
Now that is not to say that they were in the right, but reading his page and many of the comments this old man had attempted something similar just recently. So he is known to the group.

We have All (saints exempted) decided to pass people that are slowing us down when we are trying to enjoy the ride. Choosing to pass someone that is known to be a problem is a fool hearty mistake.
NSFW ?  is that Not Safe For Women?  ???

If you look at the picture (the one in the video link before you click the play arrow) you can see that the rider didn't
go around him very wide.  Would it have made a difference if he had gone wider - IDK but it might have if the driver didn't expect
to have to swerve that far to hit him.  Also probably not a smart move on the riders part to do it with a passenger on board.
We all know how fast our Connies are and I don't think he had one - But with a passenger we would need to drop 3 gears and then WOT to pass in my book
Did the rider use full throttle when going by the car or down shift - again IDK just putting some things out there that might have made a difference.

NOW in no way do I think that the car driver was not 100% at fault (he was) with intent on doing great bodily harm or worse to the rider(s).
Taking the LAW into your own hands usually ends badly for anyone, especially when the other person is hurt or injured.

If he gets off in any way (like a slp on the wrist) then maybe the Son's Of Anarchy will pay him a visit.  :great: :rotflmao: :motonoises:
Daemon said:
What is unseen which is typical of media is that the video operator has just caught up to the group and had to drastically reduce his speed.
How long the rest were being held up by the perpetrator is unknown.
Now that is not to say that they were in the right, but reading his page and many of the comments this old man had attempted something similar just recently. So he is known to the group.

We have All (saints exempted) decided to pass people that are slowing us down when we are trying to enjoy the ride. Choosing to pass someone that is known to be a problem is a fool hearty mistake.
Like your bottom quote from Dune.
SilverConnieRider said:
NSFW ?  is that Not Safe For Women?  ???
The original video is full of language.
I had to update the link.

Keep in mind as well that the driver had to cross double yellow to attack.