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When to ride, and more importantly, when NOT to ride


Whenever I speak to new motorcyclists, one of the hardest things to impress upon them is that as much as we love to ride, sometimes there is a little voice in your head saying NOT to ride, and it is very important to listen to that voice.

Case in point, I was scheduled to depart at 4am this morning to ride to Chicago for business, now those of you who know me know that LD riding does not bother me, a mere 800 miles is childs play (NYC -> Miami nonstop is something I do at least once a year and I am getting more and more into IronButt rides as time progresses...). But about 2 hours ago as I was finishing packing and getting ready... I started to get a gut feeling saying something is not right with this planned ride and that feeling was getting stronger over the last hour. I've learned to listen to my gut so I will not be riding tomorrow and will be on a 7:45am flight instead... (Oddly enough I got a cheaper fare then when I tried to book one last week)

Knowing when to ride is just as important as knowing when NOT to ride.. Ride safe my friends :)
Wise choice, Marc.  I've been listening to that little voice for decades.  I often realize why it spoke to me only after the trip is done, but even if I never know the reason, I don't let that keep me from listening.  I figure it never happened because I wasn't there.
Some years ago, we had a similar little voice.  We postponed a trip of 100 miles by a couple of hours, when the feeling mildly went away.  We took the trip, and about 50 miles into the ride, traffic came to a screaming halt, and the line (3 lanes each way) of cars was at least 2 miles long.  When we finally worked our way up to the cause of the stoppage, we discovered a set of dual wheels off a semi going the other way had come off, sailed over the divider wall, and completely flattened 2 cars to the ground, killing whoever was in each.  We estimated the approximate time it happened, and figured if we hadn't postponed our trip, that could have been us on the receiving end of those duals.  The "little voice" was heard.