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Winter racing fix: Racing on oil at the Nurburgring

Incredible!  :-\  Were there any guys left on the track after all that?  Can you imagine something like that happening today???

Was just watching my saved coverage of last summer's IOMTT Superbike race last night to ease the dark of winter doldrums... but this helps just as much!  Edwards looks so much younger; for a second there I thought he might take a swing at that track doc!
Cap'n Bob said:
Here's a blast from the past. 1999 World Superbike at the Nurburgring. What make this interesting is that there is oil on the track, yet they let the bikes keep racing. Thought y'all may like a little fix for the winter blues.

You sir, made my day!

Wow that is incredible.  Sure the track officials need a clue, but what no radios back then?  Give your driver a heads up.  Also if I see three riders down in a corner I might just pick a different line which a few are smart enough to do.  Who knows why there was no flag man standing ON the oil patch though.  I have never seen such mayhem.  Fun times. 