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Would anyone mind telling me where this part goes…


It fell off whilst I was dismantling my motorcycle some time ago. I’m putting everything back together now but I have no idea where this goes.


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Above the water radiator, it is a deflector to prevent hot air rising;)

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Go from above the valve cover and you’ll be able to get it in. That is how I did mine yesterday.
I was actually able to remove the bolts for the radiator and pull it forward. Then it was easy getting the part installed. Thanks to all who responded.
Mine had fallen down at some time. I was able to get it back in place finally with some doing. I put a plastic wire tie on each side and that worked out fine to keep in in it's place forever. At the time I did this repair someone had a picture of it wire tied in place on both sides. That piece plays a big part to keep the heat off the rider. Check it often.

Interesting tidbit: About 10 years ago, a few of us got into a discussion at one of the Nationals, about how some C10's have more heat radiating to riders than others. Songs like 'chestnuts roasting on an open fire' made it into the conversation.

We walked around and did an informal visual survey of C10's in the hotel parking lot.

We found that a majority of C10's inspected did not have that piece properly installed.

There's a couple slots in the baffle (think Tab A and Tab B) that slide on to the top of the radiator. You can see the radiator tabs on the parts fiche posted by ferabern143.

Our 'survey' found most baffles were not on those slots, and had slid up or down or were tilted one way or the other.

Might not matter as much on a naked C10 but I think it does with the OEM fairing.

It can usually be moved around and installed properly onto the tabs from the front of the bike with a longer set of larger needle nose pliers - no disassembly required - at least in my experience.

Something to check (and its free!).