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Barber Vintage Festival 2013

Allen, Allen, Allen, Allen.
Allen Chew put in a lot of effort to make things easy for us at the camp site, and hosted another great BBQ dinner for us in Leeds. Thanks Allen
Thanks to Kurt, Jim and Tom for handling the raffle, and for everyone who pitched in when something need doing. A good collective effort by everyone to make our time go by smoothly....like it always does.
I was thinking back five years ago when John, Jerry and myself sat around a small fire, and remember the size of the fire and fire circle that we had for three nights. Things sure have changed, and in a good way. I'm happy to be able to share this experience with my COG friends now, and that's just the best for me.
I'm behind on everything related with my COG duties; article for the Concourier, agenda for next weeks BoD meeting, and hustling to get out a newsletter. As soon as I can catch up, I'll post some photos of Barber. I need a secretary.  Al
Thanks Al for the good words
I tell you it was a blast,
We had a large group of COG members and friends,
Even had a potential new COG member from above the north boarder,
And a Northeast COG member who we found as a vendor at the park, who later joined us for dinner.
I would also like to thank my Alabama members who join us and help me out where we needed it.
Next year we are planning on doing this again, so make your plans to join us.