Post your opinion of "The #1 Best Riding Road In Your Home State" and you will be included in the random selection to maybe get any one COG Shirt in the store or the COG Splat Baseball Hat (Black/Kawa Green only) and/or a COG Variety Sticker Pack.
Please post at least the Name &/or Number of the road AND the state
It would be awesome if you give a brief description of the road and why it's the best
The opportunity for post submission ends on 12/31/24 at Midnight CST
First name selected randomly, will get any one COG shirt* in the store OR the COG Splat hat (they chose one) and a sticker pack
Second name selected randomly will get the shirt or hat NOT selected by person above and a sticker pack
Third name selected randomly will get a sticker pack
Everyone else gets some level of fame and notoriety, and the feeling of their opinion being heard, only
To qualify:
- Must be submitted/posted by closing day, 12/31/24 at Midnight CST
- The road must be located in your home state
- Only one posted submission of a road per member will qualify (feel free to add as many as you want in the same or separate posts, but only the first will count)
- The first road you mention will be considered your #1 Top Road submission
- SPECIAL KUDOS: adding a brief description of the road would be cool and we'll thank you.
- SUPER SPECIAL KUDOS: post a photo with your submission (It might even get you something extra if you're randomly selected)
Let's hear about those awesome roads. Ride More local roads.
How to add photos to posts
(Trial Memberships must link to photos only)
* shirt selected must be in the current store selection and available in the size needed. Some shirts, like the CMA or CDA shirts may be excluded as they require additional memberships or participation in other COG functions.